Mentorship Lunch
This year we are introducing mentorship lunches. This is an opportunity for students to have lunch (in groups of 8), and interact with 2 senior cryptographers. This is intended to be an informal conversation that is not research oriented. The linked spreadsheet has the table assignments. Each table has 6 spots for students. If you're interested in participating, please sign up on the sheet.
Since we only have slots for 6 students per table and limited tables on each day, we recommend you to sign up as soon as possible. Please refrain from filling out your name more than two times to give everyone a chance.
On Monday and Wednesday please meet one of the RISE organizers outside the main entrance of De La Guerra (the dining hall) at 12.25 PM. For Tuesday please meet one of the RISE organizers at the same location at 12.40 PM.
Mentor List
Prabhanjan Ananth, UCSB
Allison Bishop, Proof Trading and City College, CUNY
Nir Bitansky, Tel Aviv University
Zvika Brakerski, Weizmann Institute of Science
Dan Boneh, Stanford University
Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, MIT
Chitchanok Chuengsatiansup, University of Melbourne
Ran Cohen, Reichman University
Abhishek Jain, Johns Hopkins University and NTT Research
Hugo Krawczyk, AWS
Anna Lysyanskaya, Brown University
Giulio Malavolta, Bocconi University
Antigoni Polychroniadou, JP Morgan AI Research
Tal Rabin, AWS and University of Pennsylvania
Francisco Rodrigues, TII